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Angular Tutorial

What is Angular

Google wants the community to refer to AngularJS2.X and anything beyond that simply as Angular. Angular’s principal language is TypeScript and not JavaScript. Without the knowledge of TypeScript you cannot learn Angular. Please read our TypeScript Tutorial if you are new to TypeScript.  Further, the Angular team has decided to rely on time-based release cycles of approximately six months. Current version of Angular when writing this tutorial is Angular 9. While AngularJS is focused on developing web applications, Angular focuses on building web components. This is a big deal.

Angular 2 applications are component-driven.  Angular components are simply web components coded as TypeScript modules, where web component is a custom HTML tag whose appearance and behavior is kept separate from the rest of the application. To be specific, the code for an Angular component consists of a module that exports a TypeScript class with a special @Component annotation. This annotation marks the class as a component class, and it provides information about how the component interacts with the Angular framework.

Why Angular

While the Angular’s brothers (React, Ember, and Backbone) are dubbed as client-side MVC frameworks, this guy is different. Angular is not just MVC framework, but it is component framework. Using TypeScript and object oriented programming support, creating components in Angular is the fastest of the bunch. Angular retained all the features that AngularJs framework has provided, hence using Angular provides double advantage. Organizations that found value in Angular 1.x will find more value in Angular 2.

Features of Angular

Angular 2 Is Easier

Learning may take more time for you when compared to AngularJs as you have to learn TypeScript language, but once after you learn it, developing angular components is very easy. Suppose if you are already experienced in TypeScript, then working with Angular is easy as eating a cake. With Angular 1, programmers had to understand the differences between Controllers, Services, Factories, Providers and other concepts that could be confusing, especially for new programmers. In angular Controllers, Services, Factories, Providers everything is a component. Angular 2 is a more streamlined framework that allows programmers to focus on simply building TypeScript classes.


Due to the powerful object oriented programming support from typescript, angular development is faster. Once components are ready, they can be reused anywhere and wherever required. Just by simple switch between the templates of components you can change the display based on client requirements. Angular built in server support has reduced the development time by greater extent. Any changes you made to your components will be automatically compiled and pushed to browser, no need to restart the servers. You don’t even need to refresh the browser, angular will take care of it. This is the great support from Angular.

Performance and responsive web designing

Angular is supported by all the popular mobile browsers. AngularJs needs separate development for mobile browsers. Angular applications are responsive to the screen size.  Components automatically resize and align according to the screen size.


TypeScript is a super-set of JavaScript which primarily provides object-oriented programming support by providing optional static typing, classes and interfaces. Typescript is to improve the JavaScript development process. At last Typescript will be converted to javascript. Browsers don’t understand typescript. To take advantage of features of Angular 2.0, it's important to be familiar with Angular's principal language, TypeScript.  Without the knowledge of TypeScript you cannot learn Angular 2.0 and above versions. With TypeScript's object-oriented nature, developers can split their applications into independent software elements called modules. This modularity is central to Angular, which divides complex applications into special TypeScript modules called web components TypeScript is developed and maintained by Microsoft under the Apache 2 license.

History of Angular


TypeScript 2.0 was released as a superset of ECMAScript 6

Google released Angular 2.0 based on TypeScript


Google released Angular 4.0 on 23rd  March 2017

Google released Angular 5.0 on 1st  Nov, 2017


Google released Angular 6.0 on 4th May, 2018

Google released Angular 7.0 on 18th October, 2018


Google released Angular 8.0 on 28th May, 2019


Google released Angular 9.0 on 06th Feb, 2020

Google released Angular 10.0 on 24th Jun, 2020

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