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PHP construct and destruct
__construct() and __destruct() are the special functions of a class. PHP will automatically call construct function when object is created for a class and automatically call destruct function at the end of the script when objects are destroyed.
Both construct and destruct functions starts with two underscores (__).
__construct() function can be used to initialize the object properties, while __destruct() function can be used to release the object level resources before destruction of object before script execution completion.
__construct() function can specify parameters, When parameters specified then while creating object using new keyword arguments should be passed.
__destruct() function does not allow parameters.
When no __construct and __destruct() functions added, PHP will create default functions without parameters.
__construct() and __destruct() functions will not allow access specifiers.
__construct() function syntax without parameters
function __construct() { }
Syntax to create objects having __construct() function without parameters
$object_reference_variable = new ClassName(); |
__construct() function syntax with parameters
function __construct($pmtr1, $pmtr2, $pmtr3 ...) { }
Syntax to create objects having __construct() function with parameters
$object_reference_variable = new ClassName(value1, value2, value3); |
PHP __construct and __destruct example
<?php class Box { public $width; public $height; public $depth; function __construct($width, $height, $depth) { echo "construct called </br>"; $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->depth = $depth; } public function volume () { return $this->width * $this->height * $this->depth; } function __destruct () { echo "destruct called"; } } $box = new Box(10, 20, 30); echo "Volume of Box: ". $box->volume() . "</br>"; ?> |

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