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TypeScript string type

Anything inside double quotes or single quotes is a string value in TypeScript. You can also create multiline string by putting everything inside backtick(`). Below is an example for different string values.

let message: string = "welcome to www.java4coding.com";

let helloMessage: string = 'Hello Dear Reader!';

let description: string = `TypeScript learning is must before Angular.

Google adapted TypeScript language developed at Microsoft to Angular.`

String Handling Methods

TypeScript supports string handling methods listed in the below table:



charAt(num: number)

Returns the character present at the given index.

charCodeAt(num: number)

Returns the Unicode value of the character present at the given index.

concat(str1, str2, str3, ...)

Returns the concatenation of the two or more strings.

fromCharCode(num: number)

Coverts Unicode value to string.

indexOf(str: string)

Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring from a string, otherwise returns -1.

lastIndexOf(str: string)

Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in the string.

localeCompare(str: string)

Compares the string to the given string in the current locale.

match(expr: string)

Used to match string to the regular expression. Returns true if there's a match, false otherwise.

replace(expr: string, replace: string)

Replaces the each occurrence of substring with the new substring.

search(expr: string)

Searches the string for the value or regular expression and returns the position where it was found.

slice(start: number, end: number)

Returns a section of a string between the given start/end positions. The second argument is optional.

split(delim: string)

Splits the string into substrings and returns an array, with each substring identified by the given delimiter

substr(start: number, length: number)

Returns a string between from the starting position through the given length.

substring(start: number, end: number)

Returns a section of a string between the given start/end positions.


Converts string to lower case according to locale format.


Converts string to upper case according to locale format.


Converts string to lower case.


Returns string representation of value.


Converts the string to upper case.


Removes all leading and trailing whitespace.


Returns the string's primitive value of object.

Number-String Conversion

TypeScript also provides methods that convert numbers to strings. These are particularly helpful when a number requires string operations on is string representation. Table below lists the routines available for converting numbers to strings.




Returns string representation of exponential number

toFixed(length: number)

Returns string representation floating point number with the given number of places after the decimal.

toPrecision(length: number)

Returns string representation of number expressed with the given precision


Returns the string representation of number.



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